Computer Networking

What is Network Standardization

Networking standards define the rules for data communications that are needed for the interoperability of networking technologies and processes. Standards help in creating and maintaining open markets and allow different vendors to compete based on the quality of their products while being compatible with existing market products.

During data communication, several standards may be used simultaneously at the different layers. The commonly used standards at each layer are:

Application Layer : HTTP, HTML, POP, H.323, IMAP Transport Layer: TCP, SPX Network Layer: IP, IPX Data Link Layer: Ethernet IEEE 802.3, X.25, Frame Relay Physical Layer: RS-232C (cable), V.92 (modem)

Types of Standards

Standards are of two types

De Facto: These are the standards that are followed without any formal plan or approval by any organization. They have come into existence due to traditions or facts. For example, the HTTP had started as a de facto standard.

De Jure: These standards are the ones that have been adopted through legislation by any officially recognized standards organization. Most of the communication standards that are used today are de jure standards.

Standards Organizations

  • Some of the noted standards organizations are
  • International Standards Organization (ISO)
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • Institute of Electronics and electrical Engineers (IEEE)
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Internet Research Task Force (IETF)
  • Electronic Industries Association (EIA)

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